Monday, August 31, 2009


Hospitality never looked so awesome. The comfort of these multi-colored scrubs leaves plenty of room for all the serious bending and dipping needed to really huddle up and make important life-saving decisions.

Going International Chapter 4: Ukraine in the Membrane

A World War II themed crouch sent in from the WWII Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Craig's List Crouch

What better way to sell your old entertainment center on the internet? If you said "not be in the picture at all" you're dead wrong. If you said "open the venetian blinds, clasp the hands, get low, really give the ad a personal touch, give buyers an objectively comparative, and accurate size/scale perspective, all while adding an undeniably confidant and suave vibe that is sure to drive the value of the otherwise average shelving unit sky high" then you would be absolutely correct. Oh yeah, he listed this as free. He ended up getting $12,000 and a key to the city.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Race to Crouch Fountain

Just a casual trip to the zoo? I think not. This knee-bending optimist sees the fountain half full by lowering his line of sight and becoming half as tall. He went on to enjoy the zoo more than he ever has before.

4th of July Fire-Crouch 2 of 2.

Patriotism and Danger-2 things we love and embrace here at Good form, better camaraderie. And how about the dude on the left, crouching on top of his wheel chair. How's that for a metaphor for the healing power of the crouch.

Friday, August 14, 2009

4th of July Fire-Crouch 1 of 2.

The founding fathers would have been proud. I believe our subject knows this in his heart, as it is so proudly expressed in a genuine smile. That grin is almost as warm as the very sparklers in his patriotic hands. God bless America.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Danza the Manza

Why was there ever any question who the boss was? Mystery solved.