Saturday, February 28, 2009

Crouching Through Time: 1986

Crouch of the Month Recipient
One arrived in a Trans Am, the other a Firebird. But you'll need a flying Delorean to crouch with these Bee Gee lovin'
groomsmen. Stylish stashes. fluffy, conditioned hair. An all white tux. Perfect form outside the reception hall as they wait for the arrival of the Air Supply cover band. Dirtying those tux tails for the sake of the perfect photograph. This is crouching in 1986.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crouching Through Time: 1998

Outfit freshly purchased from Mervins sale rack. Finally ditched his old airwalks for a nice casual boot. Buzzed the noggin with a #3 on the top, 2 on the sides. Sporting the wooden bead necklace. Reflecting on the latest matchbox 20 single. This is crouching in 1998.